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Why Self-Love Is So Important To This Fitness Content Creator

Have you heard? Vital Proteins® launched their new Every Moment is Vital global brand campaign on May 9. Each story touches upon various aspects of physical, emotional, mental, and social health, highlighting that every individual's path to wellness follows a different route. The campaign features personal archival footage, photography, and films of each influencer sharing what’s vital to them within their individual wellness journeys. 

Lively caught up with fitness content creator Silvy Araujo to give you a behind-the-scenes look at her wellness journey—and what makes her Vital. Read on for more!

Lively: What inspired your love of fitness?

Silvy Araujo: I have been sharing fitness content on social media with the Latin female fitness community and beyond since 2017 with the hope of inspiring a worldwide love of fitness. I also created an app—silBe by Silvy Araujo— where users can track workouts, meals and habits all while working with a personal trainer to achieve their fitness goals.

L: How do you define personal wellness?

SA: I champion each and every person strengthening their self-love. I hope to motivate all to love themselves and each other more every day. And, I want to inspire people to always take care of their health.

L: What are your favorite Vital Proteins Products?

SA:I love the Vital Performance™ Protein and Protein Bars

L: What Is Your Go-To Wellness Mantra?

SA: I believe in stepping into your power, which begins when you outgrow your comfort zone.

L: What self-care tip do you want to share with the world?

SA: Always end your day with a movement! Take it slow with a yoga flow or get your heart rate up by dancing to your favorite song. Whatever it is, don’t forget to have fun!

L: What makes you Vital?

SA: My love for nutrition and wellness! I love the feeling I have after a workout so it’s always been important to me to encourage my friends, family, and community to get moving too!

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