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A Real-Life Look at How Our Writer Takes Collagen in a Day

As someone who regularly makes an appearance on Lively — via my writing, that is! — I rarely share the details of my personal life. So, in an effort to be more transparent, I'm giving you a peek at just that. From waking up to coming home to all the meals/snacks/collagen breaks in-between, here's what a typical day looks like for me.

7 A.M.: Rise and shine! Other than waking up and feeding my pup, the first thing I'll reach for is my morning coffee. My husband and I try to pick up a bag of beans to brew whenever we take a trip, but lately, I've been loving Vital Coffee Roasters. Of course, my cup wouldn't be complete without a scoop of Vital Proteins Vanilla Collagen Creamer™. I love the taste and consistency it brings to my morning drink! 

10 A.M.: I'm fortunate to have a fairly short commute to work. Usually, I'll tune into a podcast (I'm loving The Big Picture or This American Life), and I will listen to this as I come into the office. Depending on my meeting schedule, I'll catch up with coworkers, grab breakfast (usually a banana with peanut butter) and write a to-do list for my day. From there I'll write articles, send emails or brainstorm new content.

12 P.M.: Lunchtime! Our office is surrounded by some of the best food options in the city (in my opinion, anyway!). I'll sometimes grab a coworker and venture out to one of these. Since I'm in the process of training for a marathon, I try to squeeze in as many nutrients as I can into my meals, so a hot bar situation is usually my go-to. (Note: If it's the weekend, I usually make a smoothie with Collagen Beauty Greens for an added boost to my routine!).

2 P.M.: I usually hit a slump between 2 and 3 p.m. To give myself a second wind, I'll make some green tea, snack on a Collagen Bar™ (for some protein, which is very important during training!) or grab a coworker to make a run to a cafe down the block. Since my role involves a lot of creative thinking, I find that getting out of the office, even for a few minutes, keeps my ideas fresh and on point for whatever I'm working on (like this blog post - ha!).

5 P.M.: Day's over (well, my workday anyway!). Regardless of what I have going on, the first thing I do is head home to let my pup, Cinnamon, out. We do a quick walk and then I'll either squeeze in a workout in my apartment's gym (if it's a training day) or head to a hot yoga class with a friend. I'm big on having things to look forward to during the week (not just on the weekends!) so I do a Shuffleboard League with friends on Tuesday nights (trust me: It's so, so fun!) and Monday Bachelor gatherings (it's my guilty pleasure!). 

8 P.M.: I tend to eat later due to workouts or social plans, so I always keep dinner easy. I love whipping up salmon and veggies with quinoa (this last one is my favorite thing to eat the night before a long run!). That said, I'm not opposed to ordering out, as long as it's healthy! Favorites include warm bowls from Sweetgreen or Protein Bar.

10 P.M.: My husband and I are watching all of the Oscar movie winners, so we will throw one of them on before bed (Jojo Rabbit is my favorite so far!). I love making a cup of Blueberry Moon Milk Collagen Latte™ while I watch — it's the ultimate bedtime treat. If I'm not watching a flick, I'll sip on it while reading before bed (I'm reading Next Year In Havana and it's amazing!) for a wonderful little pre-sleep indulgence.

Then, I wake up the next day and do it all over again!