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How Vital Proteins Helped Me Stay Healthy as a First-Time Mom

By: Kyla Goebel

Kyla Goebel is a wife, realtor, freelance writer and first-time mom. She spends her days trying to stay healthy and active all while navigating the ups and downs of motherhood. She chronicles her adventures on her blog The Natural-ish Mama. Here, she writes about how Vital Proteins helped her stay healthy as a busy mom on the go.

After I had my son, I was so ready to hop back on the health train. Prior to getting pregnant I was really good about eating my green smoothies, working out every day, and getting plenty of sleep. But the whole third trimester thing will really mess with a gal. Cookie dough, anyone? And you wouldn’t believe how exhausting growing a human really is. I missed my long, relaxing runs and smoothies, but I decided to give myself some downtime and just chill out those last few baby-less weeks.

Today, my husband and I are six months into our parenting roles, and although all of the baby cuddles and snuggles are 1000% worth it, being a parent is hard! We’ve heard that it does get a little easier eventually, but we’re too sleep-deprived to worry about the future.

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first time mom health tips

Working Out for the First-Time Mom

One of the things I’m still learning is how to incorporate the healthy lifestyle I once knew into my new mom role. With everything else going on, eating healthy and staying active is still very important to me – but it’s definitely not the same! As a work-from-home mom, I’m not going to the gym several days a week or teaching my yoga classes anymore. These days, a workout means going on a jog with the stroller (which turns out is an arm workout, too), doing presses with our chunky baby, or squats between pushes on the swing. Also, when it’s time to do laundry or take the dogs for a walk, I strap that baby on! It’s like wearing a weighted vest. Except this one pulls your hair and drools down your shirt.

Eating healthy is another thing that has to remain a priority for two reasons: I’m breastfeeding, and I need all the energy. I’ve always been more of a grazer than a hearty meal kind of gal, but that isn’t always the best option when your baby has six bottles a day! I’ve learned I have to be really intentional about what I’m eating and make sure my meals have plenty of protein and healthy fats.  

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first-time mom health tips

It’s All About the Prep

A regular protein bar won’t cut it. I need to have actual food, or I’ll be hungry again in 30 minutes. Plus, those are often loaded with sugar, and all that would do is make me want a nap. I’ve always loved green smoothies so having smoothie bags ready to go definitely helps. Just throw it in the blender, add some protein and coconut oil and it’s done. It also helps that I enjoy cooking. I like to have stuff like chicken salad or meatballs made ahead of time. And aside from the smoothies, eggs are my go-to. I’m usually cooking (and eating) with a baby on my hip, but whatever works, right?

The Vital Life 

Incorporating Vital Proteins into my day-to-day diet has helped me tremendously – and I’m hooked! My son has a sensitive stomach, so I have to be careful about what I eat. I started adding Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, which helps to support stronger hair, skin, nails, and joints, to my coffee and it has been fantastic.

Mom life is far from easy, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. And although we have half a year under our belt, we’re still learning. I wouldn’t put us in the “survival mode” category like the first month home, but we still don’t know what we’re doing half the time. I’ve learned that although you can’t control a lot of what goes on (like your baby deciding he’s going to stay up all night long), what you can control is what goes into your body – and subsequently, your baby’s! Make it good.

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